CJ Migrants Foundation

C&J Migrant Solutions Foundation Inc(Migrants Empowered. was founded in 2023 as an outgrowth of C&J Migrant Solutions, LLC, a successful, black woman-owned business helping migrants with the immigration form process. Both the Foundation and C&J Migrant Solutions, LLC are the passion of Candace Boykins a migrant from Jamaica and, a certified immigration form specialist, with the sole purpose of helping those who wish to become legal citizens of the United States of America.

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We are grateful for you!

Help Us Rebuild & Transform Lives

Our supporters make our work possible by making meaningful gifts! sustaining commitments in the form of recurring donations, and onetime gifts such as sponsorships, matching gifts, in-honor gifts, and other donations.

There are many ways to give to C&J Migrant Solutions Foundation. Below are a set of options for making your impact in the immigration community. We encourage our donors to consult with your tax advisor on the tax benefits made possible by the different ways of giving listed below.

Unlock possibilities! Schedule a meeting with us for personalized consultations. Our experts are ready to guide you through the immigration process. Your journey starts here.

Ways to Donate

Below are some of the ways to leave your legacy to C&J Migrant Solutions & support the immigrant community for decades to come.


Give with Confidence

C&J Migrant is a registered 501(c)(3) organization who is registered with the Secretary of State in Maryland and has a certificate of registration charitable organization.

Below we have listed our nonprofit seals of approval from three of the nation’s most recognizable charity evaluators – Charity Navigator, Guidestar, and Catalogue for Philanthropy. 

Additionally, you can view our most financial documents below.

We are the leading provider of legal, social, and language services to low-income immigrants in the DMV area.

We have helped several low-income
immigrants in the District of Columbia and Maryland access the services
they deserve. Our comprehensive and welcoming approach transforms lives
by reducing barriers, helping those in need, and strengthening


The Intercultural Counseling Connection depends on foundation grants and donations to support its activities. Funding is administered through our non-profit fiscal sponsor, the Fusion Partnerships, which supports the work of social change programs throughout Maryland.