CJ Migrants Foundation

C&J Migrant Solutions Foundation Inc(Migrants Empowered. was founded in 2023 as an outgrowth of C&J Migrant Solutions, LLC, a successful, black woman-owned business helping migrants with the immigration form process. Both the Foundation and C&J Migrant Solutions, LLC are the passion of Candace Boykins a migrant from Jamaica and, a certified immigration form specialist, with the sole purpose of helping those who wish to become legal citizens of the United States of America.

ESL Classes

Empowering Lives Through Language

Elevate Your English with C&J Migrant Solutions Foundation Inc (Migrants Empowered). ESL Classes for a Brighter Future and Stronger Community Connection.

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it is no surprise that people from all over the globe are keen on learning it as their second language. While it can be challenging to learn a new language, with the right approach and mindset, anyone can become proficient in English. Our ESL courses are designed to improve the English language abilities of bilingual and international Migrants and or citizens. The classes are for ESL students at all levels, ranging from basic to advanced classes, and often include English learning that assists students with basic services and employment tasks.

Unlock possibilities! Schedule a meeting with us for personalized consultations. Our experts are ready to guide you through the immigration process. Your journey starts here.

Join Our ESL Classes

Join our ESL classes to improve your English skills in a supportive environment. Gain confidence, enhance communication, and open new opportunities for your future

Join Our ESL Classes

Starting Friday, February 21, 2025 @4pm-6pm (Every Friday for 10 Weeks)


À compter du vendredi 21 février 2025 de @4pm à 18 h (tous les vendredis pendant 10 semaines)


A partir del viernes 21 de febrero de 2025 de @4pm a 6 p.m. (todos los viernes durante 10 semanas)

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Do you have a spouse who is a U.S. citizen?
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Other C&J Migrant Programs

Discover more at C&J Migrant Solutions Foundation Inc (Migrants Empowered). with our diverse range of programs. From educational initiatives to community outreach, explore our commitment to comprehensive support for immigrants’ success and thriving communities.